Monday 25 April 2011

Earth Day 22, 2011 commemoration and tree planting

We had a great day planting trees with staffs of STK Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd on Friday, 22 April 2011.  In commemorate with Earth Day International.  Mr. Selvam , Mr. Selbam Mr Karu and others staffs contributed  and bought  a species of Tecoma sapling.

This Tecoma has beautiful flowers . The colours of pink and white petals magically carpet the roads. Tecoma trees with the yellow flowers (Tecoma sans, Sornapatti in Tamil) have been linked with treating diabetes and digestive ailments. So there you go, Beauty with Medicinal Powers.

There are some certain medicinal properties and usages of Tecoma stans. The root of the plant is reported to be a powerful diuretic, vermifuge and tonic. A grinding of the root and lemon juice is reportedly used as an external application and also taken internally in small quantities as a remedy for snake and rat bites. The grinding is taken as a remedy for scorpion sting, as well.

Anyway . It was a rainy day, but our spirits were high.  A rainy day is the best day to plant a tree.

A huge thank you to everyone who made it a really special day.

Crew members : Mrs. Sarala, Mrs. Nani, Ms. Ida, Mr. Selvam, Mr. Karu, Mr. Selvam , Mr. Vasu , Mr. William and of course me too one of them involved .....

You are invited to join our next Tree Planting in June 2011........................

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