Saturday 9 April 2011

NEEM - Tree of the 21st Century


NEEM - Tree of the 21st Century
Mr. Segar Krishnan President of 'Future in Our Hands Society' should be commended for contributing a Neem (Azadirachta indica) sapling which was planted in a football field in Klang.  The late Professor E.C Mobbs, a one-time head of forestry at the University of Wales used many words of praise when talking about the Neem tree.
The Neem tree is often referred to as a 'miracle tree' particularly because of its rich medicinal value.  It is well known in South Asia because it is a remedy for countless health problems.  Some people described it as the "most helpful plant on earth" or "virtual living pharmacy", and the United Nations has called it the tree of the 21st Century.

How about switching from Sentang to Neem? 

Floods Reduces by Pruning of 67,000 Trees in the City
City Hall has trimmed 67,000 trees along the main roads and housing estates in the city in 2001 in support of flood relief.  Its Organisation Management Department (public affairs division) Deputy Director Sarifuddin Ibrahim said they have also cut down 2,500 "dangerous" trees.
"Tree trimming is done on a routine and urgent basis following public complaints and regardless of the weather conditions," he said.
City Hall will continue with work on pruning trees which can be dangerous during stormy weather, and to clean up clogged drains in response to complaints from the public.  
Trees causing floods?  This is something new! Other factors for sure are much bigger contributors to clogging of drains than dead leaves.


The Eden Project
The Eden Project is the worlds largest green house. A vast number of tropical species from around the world are being planted in a clay pit in Cornwall, England.  A good film on this project has appeared in the National Geographic Channel (Channel 52, ASTRO).
It will have computerized climate control system.  It will include art, displays, theatre, information and fun.  It will be declared open some time this year (2002).  It is becoming one of the largest Botanical Gardens in the world.  Should Malaysia set up a similar project with plants from temperate countries incorporated therein?

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